This is a high quality 3 storey care home in the village of Earl Shilton in Leicestershire.

Work began in November 2017 and was completed in March 2019. We were initially involved in pre-planning work prior to the demolition of existing factory buildings and site clearance. Construction then commenced on the block and beam building with a mono-pitched tiled roof design. The drainage strategy for the project was particularly complex due to the variability of sand and clay across the footprint which created the potential for infiltration for part, if not all of the development. Following testing required by the lead Local Flood Authority a positive water discharge into a combined sewer was permitted. Due to the requirement for water quality treatment, we designed a SuDS feature in the form of tanked gravel filter trench downstream of the linear drainage channels serving the car park surface water run off. This served to treat the run-off whilst removing any oil droplets from entering the drainage network.

Key Contact

Dan Bailey